Back on Spotify

About a year ago I gave Spotify a hard time about some features that it lacked. I stayed true to my word and have remained a die hard Rdio user

Spotify has always had many advantages over Rdio: its catalogue is better; it’s faster; and more of my friends use it, it’s more ‘social.’ But as a way to organise music it’s always lacked behind Rdio and that’s why I stayed away.

But then last month Spotify launched a complete redesign of its product. The UI was refreshed and a critical new feature, ‘Your Music’, was added. It was a dreadful launch however. After being announced to the public it then took me a week to see the new version on the web. Another week to see the desktop app, and a further week to see it on my Android phone. It was inconsistent and messy, and it’s still not been updated for tablets.

But the dust has settled and what’s left is a really promising update. So I can confirm the rumours that I am ‘back on Spotify.’ Just strange it took so long…

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My name is Dan, I'm a product manager, entrepreneur and currently Head of Product for Digital Screening at NHS England. Check out my blog archive or read more about me.